Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The first requirement of Religion of Islam (Deenul Islam) is Faith or Iman. Every Muslim must have Faith in six matters which are called as six articles of Faith and must declare: “I believe in Allah, and in His Angels, and in His Books, and in His Prophets, and in the Day of Judgment and the power of doing actions, good and bad, proceeds from Allah.”

Therefore, Faith or Iman encompasses:

1. Faith in Allah
2. Faith in His Angels
3. Faith in His Books
4. Faith in His Prophets
5. Faith in the Day of Judgment and
6. the power of doing actions, both good and bad, proceeds from Allah.

We will be discussing each of these briefly in our future posts.

Sunday, March 11, 2007



Assalamu Alaikum

The word Sufism is from the Arabic word ‘Tasawwuf’ A Soofi or Sufi is the one who practices Sufism. Out of the four essential parts of Religion of Islam, the first three, viz. Iman, Islam and Tauhid, become the foundation for the building of Sufism. It will be futile to construct a building without a foundation at all. One can read volumes of books, become a research scholar and obtain a Doctorate in Sufism. But he can never become a Sufi unless the first three parts of Islam is studied and practiced.

Some organizations which have western influence or which are having their head quarters in western countries may claim to be spreading Sufism but that is nothing but cheating themselves and cheating others. You may teach universal brotherhood but not Sufism. If any Shaikh claims that he can teach any one Sufism, he may mean some thing else but not Sufism. A rose is rose by whatever name you call it. Can a donkey become a rose if it is called by the name rose? Any one can call himself a Sufi but he is not unless he has faith in Allah- the final goal of Sufism, submits himself to Allah and firmly believes in One-ness of Allah.

Sufism is not a combination or by-product of Jewism, Judaism, Gnosticism or Hinduism as it is claimed by certain groups. Sufism is definitely within the frame work of Islam and Islam only. The practice of Sufism has nothing to do with tantric chakra, yoga, asnas, kabbala or merkava. These practices may have their own specialties but not to purify heart and make it empty. A heart that is emptied becomes the abode of Almighty Allah.

All Muslims need not be Sufis. How can that be when Marifa- knowledge of Allah- is part of Islam? A Muslim must practice the first three parts of Islam to be a Muslim. The knowledge of the fourth part i.e.Marifa is enough. To practice or not to practice is up to him. With the first three parts, he qualifies himself to be a Muslim. It is obligatory on him to practice faith, submitting himself- as a created being and slave- to Allah, and establishing by word and heart the Oneness of Allah. But all Sufis must be Muslims. There is no compromise over it.

Friday, March 2, 2007



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.
O Allah! Bestow Thy blessings and peace upon Thy Messenger Sayyidina Muhammed (P,B.U.) and on his family and all his companions.
This work on Sufism is undertaken with a view to acting in accordance with the tradition (Hadith) of Muhammed (P.B.U.) that is reported as follows:

“Allah granting through you right guidance to a man is better than red
camels and in the end better than the world and everything therein”

Possessed though of little knowledge and practice, by the favor of Allah, it is easy for me to gather the necessary information from Sufi literary works and explain it to you the basic principles of Sufism in plain language that can enlighten the seekers of knowledge on Sufism. These basic principles will be explained in easy ways so that all those who are interested in practicing Sufism may benefit thereby.

“Whoso directs to good (acts) is like him who performs them”
– Tradition of Muhammed (P.B.U.)

The Religion of those who have submitted to Allah (God) is referred as ‘Deen’. The word ‘Deen’ in Arabic means religion. This word occurs in Holy Quran in many places and one such is the following verse:
Lakum deenukum wa liya deen”
“Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion” (cix: 6)

Deenul Islam’, therefore, means Religion of Islam. The one who follows the Religion of Islam is a Muslim. The four chief categories of Religion of Islam are:

1. Faith ( Iman in Arabic): Faith means belief with strong conviction of the existence of Allah.

2. Islam: It means submission or obedience. That is submitting oneself to Allah ( the Creator), and acting in obedience to His Laws and Commands.

3. Oneness (Tauhid in Arabic): Tauhid establishes the One-ness of Allah.

4. Knowledge of Allah ( Ma’rifa in Arabic)

Neglecting any one of these four “pillars” is virtually neglect of the entire structure which it supports.

Where does Sufism fit into these four categories? Definitely the fourth essential category of Religion of Islam, Ma’rifa – knowledge of Allah, is nothing but Sufism. Sufism is never distinct from Islam and to fully comprehend and live correct with Sufism one must be a practicing Muslim obeying the Sharia.